Project Description

“The Thin Blue Line“
Cobalt Glass with engraved poetry by Detective Randi Goetz
89′ x 5″
27.14  x .127 Meters


“The Thin Blue Line “, is a term that has been used by police officers for as long as can be remembered. It refers to the traditional blue police uniform, and, in a very real way, the police officers themselves *ARE* that line between the criminals & rest of us, between good & evil, and between right & wrong.

This memorial is to those who have lost their lives holding this ‘thin blue line’ in order to protect us all. To establish this idea, figuratively and literally, there will be a 89-foot long line through the courtyard of the T.P.D. Headquarters created from recycled, cobalt-blue glass. This glass line is set into the concrete and runs from Pine Street, past the primary sculpture, ending at the memorial courtyard.


I had imagined that the deep blue line would suffice for this portion of the memorial, but I decided it needed something more. The line ends at the memorial courtyard, a place surrounded by trees. . . quite. . . contemplative, but due to the many trees and plantings that will surround the courtyard, it may not be noticed as people pass by, and I felt it was important to pull Tacoma citizens in. In order to do this, a call for writers throughout the city was made. We received over 30 entries, and, as they came in, we took away anything that would identify the writer, so we would not be biased in our selection. In the end, we all chose the same poem, “Thin Blue Line”, by Detective Randi Goetz. There were many incredible entries, but we were elated when we discovered that the best of the best was one of the Tacoma Police Department’s own.

 The Thin Blue Line

          By Randi Goetz

Just yesterday, you stood so bold,

Against the dark, against the cold,

You fought the fight, and,

Truth be told,

Your bravery did shine.


You stood with courage, stood with pride,

Your passion to help, you could not hide,

Your eyes were clear, your heart was wide,

Your badge was bright and fine.


You gave so much,

Then gave your all.

We wept to see you take the fall.

Yet we remain to take the call,

And walk the thin blue line.


Working in the Summer heat. I’m a firm believer in doing nearly all the work myself when possible.

My former wife and trusty assistant, Misty!

Project Details

  • Project Category:
  • Memorials/Remembrances, Public and Corporate Collections,